Mae Fah Luang Garden is a flower garden that can be visited year-round. The area that is now Mae Fah Luang Garden was once a resting point for caravans carrying opium, heroin-making chemicals, and weapons along the drug trafficking routes. Today, it is a 32-acre landscape garden featuring a variety of beautiful flowers that change with the seasons throughout the year. These include slipper orchids, cold-climate flowers, various types of ferns, and large trees planted along the hillside. The garden is designed to allow visitors of all ages to enjoy it up close.

One of the highlights of the Mae Fah Luang Garden is a sculpture of children standing and holding each other. This work is by Mee Siam Yip In Soi, one of Thailand’s leading artists and sculptors. Her Majesty the Queen Mother named this sculpture “Continuity,” symbolizing that any task can be accomplished through continuous effort and unity, passing it on to future generations. In addition to various photo spots, Mae Fah Luang Garden also has a playground for children.